Headache is pain in any part or region of head. Headache is a very common symptom. About 96% of people experience it at least once in their lifetime. It can occur suddenly or develop gradually. It may last from a few hours to days. Headache can be a sharp pain, dull ache or throbbing pain.
Do not ignore headache especially if obvious causes aren’t causing it like lack of sleep, hangover headache after alcohol etc. While most headaches aren’t serious, sometimes they can be a cause of underlying condition.
Causes: (this list is not complete)
- Fever
- Infections
- Tension headache
- Stress
- Emotional distress
- High blood pressure
- Migraine
- Sinus congestion
- Second-hand smoke
- Strong odor (perfumes, chemicals etc.)
- Head injury
- Allergy to foods (alcohol, fermented foods, chocolate, cheese etc.)
- Eye strain due to excessive exposure to screen (mobile, computer, TV etc.)
- Bad posture (especially stress on the neck)
- Tumor
Self-care steps that may be helpful when headache is mild:
- Check blood pressure
- Massage your head, neck and/or upper back
- Resting in a dark quiet room
- Take over the counter medicines like Paracetamol, Brufen (ibuprofen)
- Do not take Brufen (ibuprofen) on empty stomach
- You may like to speak to a doctor for reassurance
(Call your family doctor or Whatsapp Dr Ajay Sati on +91 9967855542 to schedule a non-urgent call at Rs 200/- only)
Disclaimer: The guidance provided above is recent. Medical science is dynamic and so information may change with time. Always view latest information.
Plan to see a doctor if you notice:
- Headache is increasing (getting more intense)
- Medicine for has to be taken daily
- Headache is occurring 3 or more times per week
- Medicines have to be taken in higher doses
- Pattern of headache changes
- Disturbance of sleep and routine activities
- That it does not improve with rest
- It lasts longer than 12 hours
- You may like to speak to a doctor for reassurance
(Call your family doctor or Whatsapp Dr Ajay Sati on +91 9967855542 to schedule a non-urgent call at Rs 200/- only)
See a doctor IMMEDIATELY if you notice:
- Headache is sudden, severe, and worsening
- Headache is associated with weakness, dizziness, sudden loss of balance or falling
- Headache is associated with paralysis, tingling, numbness, or slurred speech
- Headache is associated with mental confusion or seizures
- Headache is associated with vision defects (double vision, blurry vision, blind spots)
- Headache is associated with nausea, vomiting, stiff neck, skin rash
- Headache is after a recent head injury, accident, or surgery to the head
- Headache is waking you up at night
- A new type of headache after age 55
What will the doctor do:
- Take your medical history
- Do a physical examination
- Advise blood tests and/or investigations as necessary
- Decide if admission in hospital is necessary
- Prescribe medications
Preventing a headache:
- Avoid any trigger (intake of food, spices including chilly, milk, beverage, caffeine, alcohol, fermented foods etc.)
- Get enough sleep (7-8 hours)
- Don’t skip meals
- Stay hydrated (drink enough water)
- Keep blood pressure under control (by regular checking and medications)
- Avoid strong odor (perfumes, chemicals etc.)
- Learn to manage stress
- Unable to identify/avoid triggers that cause headache, consult your doctor
- Do not ignore the symptom of headache, especially if sudden and severe; accompanied by fever. Delay in getting in touch with the doctor will worsen the underlying disease, if any, and make treatment difficult.
- Follow doctor’s instructions carefully, including follow-ups as advised
- If headache is due to high blood pressure, do not stop the medicine on your own
Disclaimer: The guidance provided above is recent. Medical science is dynamic and so information may change with time. Always view latest information.